Daily Update
Medallia SREs
- took Maggie to yoga in Palo Alto
- some confusion with first time passes
- bathroom contractor was working on the weekend
- head to lunch at Mayan Kitchen
- empanadas were so-so
- dropped by bambu
- nice sitting outside on a bench and chatting
- head back for a nap
- supposed to go to x-bar for dancing
- apparently the event got cancelled?
- ended up spending the evening with Jackie
- instant noodles for dinner
- with shrimp, dumplings, sausages, and four eggs
Firebase Password Reset from Gmail
Firebase authentication has a useful email/password login option and it’s default behavior includes easy ways to trigger password resets. One annoyance though is that the invoking the password reset will be sent from noreply@(project-id).firebaseapp.com email address. This can easily end up in a customer’s spam folder or blocked by email filters.
Series A
Perspectives from a backend engineer learning how to write embedded software specifically on Nordic’s nRF52832.
Karat Summit
Culture Interview
In 2012, we hit 100 employees. We were expecting to grow exponentially in the next few years. How do we preserve our culture?
Scaling Karat
For the past few months I’ve taken on a contracting role at Karat, a company that specializes in first-round engineering interviews for other software companies. It’s really a lovely opportunity for me, providing a bit of income, the flexibility I need to pursue my startups, and a great community.
Tech Lead and PM
There’s data out there that shows the best indicator of performant engineering teams are those where the tech lead and product managers align.
XCode and Clang Errors
Spent ~6 hours on this today, so figures it deserves a post … the original start of this whole fiasco was introducing one extra dependency for react-native-version-info. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that particular library, in fact I had that up and running perfectly within minutes on Android. For some reason, my iOS build failed to compile with an error caused by recursive expansion of a search header path from a completely different dependency, react-native-fcm: