Karat Summit

Little poem for the first Karat Interviewer Summit:

fears of the future and praise for the past
scaling and growing too slow or too fast?
what is the mission, the values, the goal?
are we positioned at rear or the pole?
if the field’s empty, should we be concerned?
take on new paths or extend what we’ve learned?

time to contract for there’s magic to make
bringing together the holders of stake
into a place where ideas can be shared
thoughts can run free and opinions be bared
problems and pain points to ponder in groups
stories that swirl in a savory soup

cooking and singing to ease unknown tension
faces recalled in the next @ops mention
slowly but surely, the roots start to form
forest of friendships to weather a storm
experts at caring, we strive for the best
whether we’re busy or tired or stressed

so much diversity yet we’re in sync
passion and empathy ever our link
people that value the path we provide
quality interviews taken worldwide
sometimes what’s simple takes more than it seems
thank you to Karat for daring to dream

