San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon

Christine took me along to the San Jose Rock n Roll on Sunday! She texted me about bringing popcorn chicken to a potluck as I was finishing this poem …

blisters and bruises and soreness and sweat
minor misfortunes that we’ll soon forget
what we remember is running a race
lengthening limits and pushing our pace

heartened by rock bands, and cheerleader squads
medics, and marching bands came to applaud
giving encouragement, water and lagers
freely to sprinters and trotters and joggers

so many passionate people that day
ran through the neighborhoods of San Jose
many retired and some in their prime
some came for records, and others? first time!

where shall we head next? perhaps off the trail?
over to distant lands? shall we set sail?
loving your rhythm, the estride and the gait
rhymes make me hungry for fried chicken plate

