Pani Puri 2


  • head to work
  • had a sync with Charlotte
  • picked up box of supplies for wedding stuffs
  • indian food for lunch
    • got a bit cold since I had to wait until after meetings
    • lots of naan!
  • picked up Jackie
  • head to dance practice
    • reasonable fixes!
  • head to Indian food trucks in Sunnyvale for dinner
  • pani puri was … a better experience
  • had a delicious bhutare dish!
    • super fluffy
  • head home
  • sleep early


  • woke up early
    • stomach a bit rumbly from too much Indian food
  • skipped yoga
  • head to Palo Alto for lunch with Selina
    • neat little Italian place
    • milanesa veal was very soft
  • head to bachata team auditions
    • few good follows and one good lead
  • Jackie went to drop off supplies to Tammy
  • head to Westfield with my fellow leads
    • more Express pants
    • popcorn chicken from Shihlin
  • got a ride back with Pawan
  • nap
  • head to pho for dinner
    • haven’t been here in a while!


  • what a bhutare is!
  • also pani puri is pretty interesting; maybe better when it’s hot out though

