Bachata Showcase


  • head to dance practice at 10 am
    • bit of practicing for confidence
  • brunch at Sara’s Kitchen
    • tasty omelette
  • took a call
    • then another call
    • then prepped for a 3rd call that didn’t happen
  • bachata performance at our dance studio’s showcase!
  • fun social dancing with folks
  • head home
    • got Costco gas on the way
    • and a fruit smoothie!
  • switched to Jackie’s car
    • back to Costco for gas (this one in Sunnyvale)
    • bit of shopping too
    • picked up a rotisserie chicken
  • head to Brian’s
    • spirit island with Louisa and her boyfriend Alex
    • mentor chat with Caltech Brian
    • finished around 12:30 am
  • head home
  • sleep


  • head to work with Jackie
    • surprising amount of traffic for a Monday
  • lemon pepper chicken for lunch
    • not that great
    • but the udon looked super heavy
  • productive day
  • one nap
  • pick up Jackie
  • Elle wanted to do badminton in Burlingame
    • ended up dropping by Costco to get some fitnesswear for Jackie
    • haven’t played badminton since before COVID
  • Ping Bistro for dinner afterwards
    • little spicy
    • mushroom chicken dish had too many bones
  • head home
  • shower


  • still have some reflexes …

