Exit Game


  • woke up early
    • head to San Mateo city hall
    • picked up a marriage license!
  • head to work
  • mostly quiet day
  • scheduled some stuff for honeymoon
  • fajitas for lunch
    • not too heavy
  • two naps
  • pick up Jackie
  • leftover rotisserie chicken with instant ramen for dinner
  • watched two episodes of Three Body problem
    • caught up with Thorvald
  • played an Exit Game with Jackie
    • like an escape room board game
    • pretty entertaining


  • head to dental appointment
    • they cleaned my retainers!
    • got more x-rays
  • head to work
  • chicken for lunch
    • not the greatest
    • minestrone soup was ok …
  • head to dance practice
    • formation changes for Vegas
  • pani puri food trucks again!
    • got a different Indian dish
    • this one not as tasty
  • coordinating hiking


  • exit game is kinda neat
    • interesting to see this in a board game format

