Dipsea Again


  • woke up early
  • picked up Eric for carpooling
  • picked up lunches from Roger’s Deli
  • head to Dipsea trailhead from Stinson beach with Jackie and Kat
  • dropped by a coffee shop in Mill Valley on the way
  • lovely day for a hike
  • met some fun interns
    • lots of questions about tire startup
  • Luis brought his kids along
    • they lasted about 1.5 miles …
  • sadly, one of the new people took a fall and had a minor scrape
  • finished hike by 6 pm ish
  • head to Daeho in H-Mart for dinner
    • Jackie bought a … bottled drink that looks like a baby drink …
    • delicious short ribs for dinner
  • got back by 9 ish
  • foam rolled everything out


  • skipped yoga and climbing
  • woke up late
  • took my dad to noodles and dumplings for father’s day lunch
  • laundry
  • Jackie prepped some more short ribs from Costco run last week
  • head to dance practice
    • productive session!
  • head to Brian’s
  • finished a session of Frosthaven
    • pretty tricky one
  • head home
  • started a new book


  • Dipsea isn’t so bad

