

  • head to work with Jackie
  • disappointing lunch
    • taiwanese fried chicken!
    • but very dry
  • two naps
  • costco gas on the way home
    • Jackie had a chicken bake
  • head to dance practice with team
    • dropped off key early
    • pretty inefficient, probably cost me an extra 30 mins
  • dinner at Special Noodle in Milpitas
    • Christine joined us :D
    • not bad, and open late
  • head home to sleep


  • head to work with Jackie
  • crab asparagus soup today!
    • very tasty
    • also the vegan shaking beef was delicious
  • picked up Jackie
  • head to climbing event to meet her teammates
    • … and they all cancelled
  • caught up with Taylor
  • did a few climbs
    • interesting 11- climb
  • head towards home
    • figured we have enough time to go to 2nd tryouts
  • practiced wedding choreo instead of doing salsa
  • tryouts were fun!
  • dinner with Kat at Rice Junky
  • head home
  • bit of work
  • sleep


  • good to get back into climbing

