Sacremento Dance Festival


  • head to workout with Taylor
    • switched to Friday for some reason
    • haven’t done back squats in ages
    • also did a lot of oblique work
  • head home for a quick shower
  • head to work with Jackie
    • pack all the things!
  • pork cutlet with curry for lunch
    • very tasty
  • finished a bunch of things
  • head out early
    • pick up Jackie
  • took a call with Zhou on the way to Sacremento
    • arrived around 6 pm
  • quick dinner with team
    • rushed to watch other team’s performances
    • crammed 6 people into a Tesla
    • found a mediterranean food truck close by
    • they ran out of chicken and gave us a bunch of baklava
    • brought back to hotel to eat in the cafe
    • of course, performances were delayed by an hour
  • two performances by the team!
    • celebration at Hector’s
    • also, Mark brought glow sticks for the neon-themed dance social
  • social danced until around 2:30 am
  • sleep


  • brunch with the team at Toasted Rooster
    • pretty tasty pineapple egg scramble
    • haven’t had tater tots in a while
  • took a bunch of workshops
    • Felix Fausto NYC bachata was fun
    • not as complicated as last year
    • lots of energy required though
  • spinning class was interesting
    • very dizzy working the way up to a double turn
  • one nap
  • chatted with Pawan and Luis while team changed for performance
  • performance!
    • we did great!
    • super quick
  • one more celebration at Hector’s room
  • social dance again until 3 am
    • concert by Chantel
    • very good singer!
    • very short concert though, only half a dozen songs
  • shower and sleep


  • no more stage fright …

