Country Swing


  • woke up around 9
  • checked out of hotel
  • head to brunch at Mimi’s Cafe
    • food was ok
    • ended up eating a bit of everybody’s plate
  • musicality salsa workshop was theoretically interesting
    • combo was a bit weird, mix of different steps and timings
  • country swing workshop was pretty fun
  • Jackie convinced me to try a jazz funk class
    • holy cow that was hard
    • declined the instructor’s offer to film us …
    • totally respect the people who could do it though
  • left Sacremento around 5:30 pm
  • head to UC Davis to visit Charlotte!
    • family call with Amy around the same time
  • sushi place for dinner
    • not too bad
  • dropped off Charlotte
  • head back to bay area
    • dropped by garage to pick up some inventory
  • head home
  • unpack, shower, made a smoothie
  • ordered some wedding stuff on Temu
  • found two new books to try!



