5th Wicked
- skipped yoga
- little sniffly
- slept in until 11 ish
- Jackie had a dental appointment
- chicken noodle with leftover rotisserie chicken for lunch
- bit of work
- carpooled to SF
- Brian, Louisa, and Alex
- hit a white bucket on 101 northbound
- got trapped under van
- had to pull over to remove it
- head to Brenda’s soul food
- bit of a sketchy part of town
- took 4 lactose pills
- german catfish was so-so
- jackie had a crazy cheesy pot pie
- hushpuppies were not that exciting
- only slightly gassy with all the pills
- head to the Houdini escape room at the Palace of Fine Arts
- beautiful location
- also excellent puzzles for an escape room
- drove back to south bay for karaoke
- switched to watching Wicked sing-along halfway home
- ended up watching wicked for the 5th time since we bought it on Amazon Prime
- I went to sleep before it ended
- woke up at 9 am ish
- head to badminton!
- turns out Maggie lives like a block away
- picked up Louisa and Alex too
- badminton!
- exercise seemed to quell the flu-like symptoms a bit
- burned my tongue on some boiling hot water that Jackie prepped for me in a thermos
- left around 12:20 pm for lunch
- lunch with Maggie at Merit Vegan
- she treated us!!! aww
- one nap
- Jackie prepared 2.7 lbs of beef for sous vide
- head to dance practice
- Mauricio and Mark showed up
- can still get sniffles!