Bachata Follow
- head to work
- beautiful day
- Jackie took my dad to the port for his cruise to Hawaii
- ramen for lunch
- finished in 4 minutes in time for a meeting
- two naps
- head to Artista
- had a long chat with Hector about ways to improve his business
- missed yoga class
- head home
- bit of work
- head back to Artista to help with a bachata class
- had fun following
- home eat for dinner
- they refused to seat us and only allowed takeout
- ate it at home instead
- more thin mints
- head to work
- katsudon for lunch
- bit heavy
- lots of prep for sales team
- pick up Jackie from home
- head to dance practice
- Simren fell and hurt her foot :(
- home eats refused to let us dine in :(
- got takeout instead
- had to eat at home!
- thin mints are better frozen?