Medallia SREs
- took Maggie to yoga in Palo Alto
- some confusion with first time passes
- bathroom contractor was working on the weekend
- head to lunch at Mayan Kitchen
- empanadas were so-so
- dropped by bambu
- nice sitting outside on a bench and chatting
- head back for a nap
- supposed to go to x-bar for dancing
- apparently the event got cancelled?
- ended up spending the evening with Jackie
- instant noodles for dinner
- with shrimp, dumplings, sausages, and four eggs
- woke up early
- went back to sleep
- head to yoga at 9 am
- haven’t done handstands in a while
- come back to shower
- head to Kaya’s
- picked up hot pot meat from the new place in mtn view
- picked up mushrooms from Ranch 99
- lunch with Kaya and Abe!
- kids are growing up!
- head back home
- took a call with Zhou to prep for a meeting
- head to Sunjay’s
- help prep for a hardware demo thing
- head to dance practice
- bit of dancing
- drop by Sunnyvale downtown
- caught up with some ex-Medallians
- Sabrina didn’t show up :(
- head to Brian’s
- dinner with Elle
- she wasn’t that bad at frosthaven!
- caught up with the other Brian
- apparently he also injured himself!
- head home
- sleep
- lovely to catch up with Medallians